

News • Medication-related procedure complications

Weight loss drugs may increase endoscopy risk

Popular medications like Ozempic and Wegovy that are used to treat diabetes and obesity are associated with an increased risk of aspiration pneumonia following endoscopy, a new study finds.


News • Using portable devices

Lighting the way to noninvasive blood glucose monitoring

New research could revolutionize noninvasive monitoring of blood glucose levels (BGLs): a Japanese team developed a novel methodology to estimate BGLs from near-infrared light (NIR) measurements.


Article • Joint action

A pan-European effort to tackle cancer and NCDs

This February, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health officially launched the ‘Joint Action on cancer and other non-communicable disease prevention project‘ (JA PreventNCD). In the…


News • Diabetes management

Reducing blood sugar levels with red light

Researchers have found a surprising method to reduce blood glucose levels in a person: Shining red light on their back. This could help control diabetes without medication.


News • Focus on protein GDF15

Newfound mechanism could improve efficiency of diabetes treatments

Research reveals how a new mechanism could improve the efficiency of current treatments for diabetes. This may open up new ways of approaching metabolic diseases that are a global health problem.


News • Optoacoustic imaging method RSOM

AI tells diabetes severity from the skin

Using AI and optoacoustic imaging, researchers have developed a new method to assess microvascular changes in the skin – and thus the severity of diabetes in the patient.


News • Assessing bone quality via blood sampling

New device for diagnosing bone fragility

A new device for diagnosing bone fragility invented by the University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG) and the University of Geneva (UNIGE) has been approved for marketing in the European Economic Area and Switzerland. The device is based on a new approach to assessing bone quality via blood sampling.

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